Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Entry 10

Oh hey. Entry ten. What an anniversary. I recently got back from camp, which was totally unexpectedly good. I'm feeling emotionally dead right now so excuse a lack of emotion in this.

We went to... somewhere near Port Hacking to a youth works camp thing.

Day one: we arrived, and are food for like two hours. We then go to seperate groups for seperate activities. We (group f) did sailing first, which I didn't do, and it was okay, cause I just fished with a hand reel the whole time. We then moved onto archery, which I like. I got 1/a possible 45 the first time, then I got an 18/45 (because I hit the bullseye somehow). We then ate a dinner of lasagne. After dinner we played a weird version of capture the flag with four groups. White ended up winning by cheating. Pink, my group, should have won.

Day two: we had cereal and toast and bacon for breakfast. We then did 'personal discovery' which was just talking about emotional intelligence. Then we had lunch of make your own sandwich. We then did a navigational hike which was terrifying. I slipped so many times. When it was me and my friends' turn to lead we couldn't find the third thing. The people before is couldn't fine theirs either. We then had dinner of something-or-rather. After dinner was trivia night, where my group came third. We ruled the music and fandom sections.

Day three: we had breakfast of cereal and pancakes (they loved their cereal). After that we did more 'personal discovery'. Then, we did indoor rock climbing which was pretty damn good considering I used to be afraid of heights. Lunch of burgers followed. We got on the bus and headed home.

So yeah that was my camp experience of this year to the zero people who read this anyway.

Good night, or day, which ever gives you emotional intelligence.

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